Privacy Statement

Privacy statement Funk-Events - version June 5, 2023
Data Funk-Events so Anthony Holt

This Privacy Statement is prepared by Funk-events. Later in this statement to be referred to as 'AnthonyHolt', headed by Hannes Deconinck. Also the controller for the processing of personal data according to the AVG, located at Pieter Verhaeghestraat 134, 8520 Kuurne - BELGIUM. This company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 0797.205.485

Personal data stored:
The following personal data, obtained through the contact form on the website, are stored. Namely first and last name, company name, e-mail address and telephone number. Name, e-mail address are also stored when entered when requesting to be subscribed to the periodic newsletter. Mailchimp takes care of processing and sending the newsletters.

Cookies and analytics:
When you visit the website, your visit is tracked anonymously by Google Analytics. In this way the website can be optimized while the privacy of the visitor is maintained. Certain cookies are placed to facilitate your visit in the future. Think of remembering the contact information you enter. That prevent the cookie notification on your next visit. This data can be used for remarketing with Google Analytics, reporting for impressions in the Google Display Network, reporting for demographic and interest categories from Google Analytics, integrated services for the need of advertising purposes through which Google Analytics collects data, including data collected through ad cookies and IDs.

What is done with personal data:
The stored personal data is used to contact the person who filled out the form in a personalized manner.

Secure transmission of personal data:
The personal data sent via the website is sent securely via an SSL connection. This ensures that personal data is sent encrypted and cannot be intercepted.

Storage of personal data:
The stored personal data is stored on Google's secure server and on Hostnet's secure server. A processing agreement (link to: file) has been concluded with these.

Retention period personal data:
All personal data will be kept for seven years from the date of completion. Thereafter, the personal data will be permanently deleted.

Access to personal data:
Funk-Events so (for the purpose of processing financial administration and accounting), Mailchimp (for the purpose of sending the periodic newsletter), & Hostnett (for the purpose of storing the data) and. A processing agreement has been concluded with all these companies which stipulates that personal data may not be used for purposes other than those authorized by AnthonyHolt.

Viewing, changing or deleting personal data:
Personal data can always be viewed, changed or completely erased. To do so, please contact Hannes Deconinck of AnthonyHolt at Proof of the change or deletion can be sent upon request.

Questions or complaints:
If you have questions, comments or suggestions related to this privacy statement or the processing of personal data? If so, please contact Hannes Deconinck of AnthonyHolt at If you are of the opinion that personal data is being handled improperly, you can file a complaint with the Personal Data Authority.

Version of this privacy statement:
AnthonyHolt's privacy policy/privacy statement was created and published on June 5 2023. Should the content of this privacy statement change, the most recent version will be posted here.



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